Saturday, August 19, 2006

Maharaja Mac - a hyperbole

It has aways been a secret desire for me to eat the Maharaja Mac but as fate would have it no Mac outlets are there in Chennai. But the long pending wish was fulfilled in my recent travel to Bangalore where I visited the Mcdonald's outlet at the Forum. I entered with a big smile at Ronald Mcdonald who welcomed with me a grin. I didnt think twice before I ordered the chicken Maharaja Mac with fries and coke. As I sat to eat the Mac, little did I realise that I was eating double layered piece of a hyped up no good burger. The patty was tasteless and didnt taste like chicken. And I was in deeper trouble since I had forced three others to eat the same and one was already pissed off with Mcdonalds. Forcing myself to eat it with feigned pleasure I couldnt even appreciate the funda about Mcdonalds. As I finished first gobbling it up, I listened to my other 3 friends cursing about the same.Seriously the fries were much better. Well Mac is definitely overrated if it has the same taste everywhere else.