Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Day Vs Night!!

I listened to this song called "oovuru pookalume" from the movie autograph which aptly won the best playback singer for chitra. But what I didnt like about the song was a line which goes like - "oovuru vidiyalume solgirathey..." - What each dawn tells us is about the hardhsips of the night..in the metaphorical sense...
I detest this particular comparison.Ever wondered why poems or songs refer to daylight/sunshine as a good omen and nighttime as a bad time or an indication of something evil happening. I am totally against this view..For me I feel more alive in the night. I feel it is very peaceful and calm in the night. It is more chaotic in the daylight. For it is also in the nighttime that we sleep peacefully for 6-7 hours without any worries. It is in the night we look back on what happened during the chaotic day and we forget our worries and recline peacefully. Maybe I speak this because I am nocturnal but so would the owls and many people toiling at BPOs agree with me.


Blogger iounit said...

Darkness vs Light. Not that I know the poet who wrote it. But seems like that could be the reason.

12:00 PM  

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